Psalm 25

Mark Rhoads   -  

February 18, 2024

With a determination prompted and strengthened by your Spirit we lift our souls to you, Jehovah, maker of heaven and earth.  While we are prone to discouragement or bewilderment, even a flagging faith, we turn again to you and once again we declare that we put our trust in you, O God and Father;  for we know that you upheld the saints of old, that all those who waited for you received grace and mercy, that you went before them when their enemies would say “Where is your God?” You led them in your way.  Because of this we, too, hold fast to the cable of your grace in the storm of life as you lovingly draw us toward the shore where your steadfast love keeps us.

Make us attentive students of your ways, O Lord; point out to us your paths, for we are weak, distracted by the ways of the world that lead us into confusion, disobedience, and heartbreak.  Lead us in the truth.  Give us discernment as we search your Word, give us wisdom as we sort out competing interests, give us courage to follow the path you show us.

And when we falter, and we surely will, we rely on your steadfast love for forgiveness and restoration because you are good; and in your goodness you stoop to take interest in poor helpless humble sinners; you take our brokenness and use it to transform us into the image of your Son; in your own time and in ways we can’t comprehend, you make all things new.

Along with David we plead for you to remember your kindness toward us, knowing that you do and always have.  You are a sovereign holy God who chooses not to remember our sins, to bring upon us the punishment we deserve, but you offered your Son Jesus as the full and final sacrifice for sin to free us from sin’s bondage. Teach us to walk in the light as He is in the light. Flush out any remnant of arrogance or self-righteousness.  We don’t even presume that we want to follow you except that you give us the desire and show us our need.  May our sorrow for sin lead us to you, to the foot of the cross, for mercy.  And in light of your unmerited grace, help us to love each other.

Father, may our confidence in you never be confounded. May we as the body of Christ at Centennial Church wait for you “all day long” and seek to follow your ways.  We ask for guidance in the days and weeks to come.  Do your work among us.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray.

And all the people said, AMEN