Our Worship

Each week we walk through the story of the gospel in four movements.


When we gather, we do so at God’s initiative; our worship is a response to His saving actions. For this reason, we begin each Sunday morning gathering with a call to worship. It’s a reminder to us of why we exist as a church, it’s a declaration from God’s Word about what He has done in history, and it’s a call to believe the gospel and direct our worship towards God in Jesus Christ.


As we sit under God’s Word we learn about God’s design for life, how sin has ravaged and distorted God’s good design, and how Jesus makes all things new. We believe the sermon, as a part of the whole gathering, is formative—not just informational. The intent is transformation of our heart, not just our behavior. As such, the sermon illustrates how Jesus is the answer to our longing for justice, reconciliation, forgiveness, purpose, peace, and joy.


Having listened to God’s Word, we respond each week by receiving at the Table (some call it communion, or the Lord’s Supper). The Table reminds us of the new identity we have in Christ, and when we come forward to receive the elements we demonstrate our trust in Jesus’ work on our behalf. By remembering what Christ has done for us, both through his death and resurrection and also how He has worked in our own past, we are encouraged to trust him with our future.


Each week we are called to gather together to worship God. In the same way, God sends us out into the world—our family, neighborhood, school, and workplace—to continue worshipping him wherever we are. The sending (or benediction) is the time when we are sent out in the power of the Holy Spirit to join Jesus in His mission throughout the week. The sending reminds us that the gospel transforms every area of our life, and propels us into a life of service to Christ and others.