November 20, 2022 9:30 - 10:30am  |  The Explorer's Performing Arts Center

Our world, and all life within it, declare the glory and creativity of our Lord! And we, created in His image, possess something of His nature that’s just waiting to be discovered and shared!

Well, this is an opportunity for our Explorer’s aged children to share those creative talents with their peers in a loving, encouraging, and low stress environment!

  1. When: Sunday NOV 20th DURING EXPLORERS (10:30-11:30) in the Explorer’s Performing Arts Center.
  2. Which means… the talent show AUDIENCE WILL BE LIMITED to our Explorer children (including Pioneers).
  3. Which means… parents will not be able to watch their child’s performance live, but will be able to watch a video of all performances that we’ll make available afterwards for friends and family!
  4. Explorers GRADES K-5 will have a MAXIMUM OF 2 MINUTES to perform… Please contact Sandy to discuss exceptions for multi-person performances!

Looking for ideas? Click here!

Questions? For answers, call Sandy at 651-735-4068. For guesses, call Curt at 952-607-0584. 😊