Psalm 113

John Chamberlain   -  

March 31, 2024

Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

How fitting it is that on Easter Sunday we are able to contemplate this psalm. We are instructed to lift our voices in praise to you both now and forevermore!

We praise you today for your victory over death.  Your resurrection proves you have ultimate authority over the whole universe.  The psalmist reminds us that you have to stoop down to look on the heavens and the earth, meaning you are above all.  Death could not keep you in the grave because you have complete power over life and death!

We praise you today for providing a way of salvation.  Seeing the sin that was brought into the world because of our disobedience, you sent Jesus to walk among us.  He was willing to humble himself to leave his throne by your side, so he could show us how to once again be in a right relationship with you.

We praise you Jesus for the sacrifice you were willing to make on our behalf.  None of us can even fathom what it took for you to leave your place of honor and enter your creation as a human. To walk among us in all of our brokenness. We are thankful that your love was so great, that you were willing to be obedient to the Father’s plan for dealing with the sin found in each of us.

We praise you today for your protection.  The psalmist reminds us of your concern for the poor. You see their needs and lift them up.  You place them in places of honor.  Father, may we remember that your willingness to do that means you care for what is going on in our lives.  You are not distant or uninvolved.  Help us to take that example to heart and teach us how we can be involved in others’ lives in order to lift them up.

We praise you today for your compassion.  The example of barren woman being allowed to have children illustrates that you care for the inner most desires of our hearts. Help us to be reminded that we can trust you will always be there to help us through the tough stuff of life.

Finally, we praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for this great day of celebration.  The resurrection of Jesus means we get to serve a risen savior. Hallelujah!  Thank you for your power over death, your rising from the grave, and your being alive for evermore.

For it’s in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we pray….and all God’s people said………Amen.