Psalm 111

John Chamberlain   -  

August 27, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

We have so much to praise you for.  If we would slow down we would have time to ponder all of the things that make you great. When we look at the beauty of a sunrise or sunset with all of the amazing colors, we get a chance to admire your creative genius.  Or when we see the works of your hand in mending broken relationships, we can see you truly are gracious and compassionate.

Father, help us to realize the awesome privilege you have given us to be a part of your work. In our own strength, we often feel inadequate. However, when we are partnered with you, the things we accomplish can be glorious and majestic.  Many times throughout this psalm the theme of forever was highlighted.  In our day when everything has a beginning and an end, it is hard to grasp the concept of something continuing forever.  You are the same God who will always remember the covenant you made with your people. Continue to teach us about your righteousness and show us it is just as important to you now, as it has always been.

As the start of another school year is just around the corner, we are thankful for the reminder in the Pulse to be in prayer for our schools, teachers, administrators, staff and students.  Thank you for their willingness to help our parents educate their children.  May you guide the decisions on materials, so that what is taught in the classroom will be in line with the truths we find in the bible.  Please help our families with students to adjust to the rhythm of a new school year.

We are thankful and excited today to be a part of watching E and A   K make a public statement about their desire to follow you. Please be with G and J, as well as our entire church family, in nurturing E and A in the faith.  As we watch their testimonies today, remind us again how you provided redemption for us through allowing Jesus to take our sin when he died on the cross.

Teach us what it looks like to have a reverent fear of you, so we can gain wisdom and understanding. Show us how to continually live out the gospel in our lives. May we glorify you in all that we do… in our relationships, how we spend our time, our personal purity and how we spend our money. Help our lives to be clear examples of people that are sold out for you.  Please use us to draw more people to a relationship with You so they can spend eternity in Heaven.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and all God’s people said…Amen.