Psalm 104:24-35

John Chamberlain   -  

June 4, 2023

Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

We come before you today in awe and wonder when we consider your vast imagination and creativity. Many of your created masterpieces are still a mystery to us even to this day, as they are hidden in the depths of the sea.  Yet even in this unseen realm, you are providing for every one of their needs until they are satisfied.  Father we praise you for having wisdom that is far above anything we could fathom.  We praise you for the goodness you show to all of your creation, including us.  Help us to find rest in your goodness and your provision to give us what we need at the proper time.

Father we ask that we would be people that you can rejoice in.  As we gain understanding in what it means to trust in you more fully, may we continually be shaped into the image of Jesus.  During our interactions with friends and neighbors, help them to see a difference in us.  And as we grow deeper in our faith, help us to also grow in our opportunities to bring glory to you.

We thank you for the unique ministry Matt and Holly Frey are being called to.  We praise you for the ways you have prepared them and for the Holy Spirit’s moving in Matt’s life to see that  Jesus is the true Messiah.  Please help their leadership team to navigate the combining of both Jews and Gentiles into one congregation.  May this congregation love one another well, embrace biblical values, and always continue to have a deep reliance on the Holy Spirit as they move forward in ministry.

We thank you for the recently elected leaders here at Centennial Church. For Dave Knauber, Kelly Baranick, Greg Kvamme and Mark Anderson. May they be led by the Holy Spirit as they serve our congregation along with Mark Rhoads, Paul Stein, and Pastor David.  We ask for a hedge of protection around our leaders as they chart out the course for how you would like to further your kingdom in our area.  Help us to be a congregation that will be known for the love we have for one another, and for the genuine desire we have to be on mission to serve You.

During the many changes to our routines this summer, help us to be intentional about growing in our walk with you. In addition, guide us in ways to be creative in pointing people to Jesus.

For it’s in His name we pray….. and all God’s people said………Amen.