Psalm 119

Jennifer Kvamme   -  

February 12, 2023

Father, we do praise You today for Your Word. You are righteous and trustworthy, and Your Word is the same. We are thankful that we can rely upon it, that over thousands of years it has proven true. In it we can know Your heart, understand Your gospel, meditate on Your works, and discern Your will. When we walk according to Your Word we find that Your ways are good.

But we confess, Father, that we do not treasure Your Word as it deserves. We frequently neglect to read it, and when we do read it, too often we forget what we’ve read before it takes root in our hearts or takes action in our lives. We reason away Your commands that seem hard, we question the accounts that seem unbelievable, we ultimately think we’ll be OK on our own. But when we do so, we deceive ourselves and miss out on the good things You desire for us. Oh Lord, forgive us for our apathy and disobedience to Your Word.

Remind us that Your Word is flawless, more precious than gold, sweeter than honey; it’s our delight, our counselor, our comfort; it’s eternal, boundless, trustworthy, true, and right. It’s a lamp for our feet and a light for our path; it’s like a fire in our heart. It’s alive and active, sharper than a double-edged sword, it penetrates to the soul and judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. It’s God-breathed and useful for teaching training in righteousness. It is truth; it sanctifies us. It’s the joy of our hearts; it’s the way to life.

Help us, Lord, to walk in its light this week and throughout our lives so that others may see Your goodness and join us in the light of Your life.

We pray that we as Your church might be marked by Your Word—learned, trusted, and lived. We pray that for Your larger church around the world, as well, and for the people You have called as her leaders. We pray that in the messages given, the books written, the conversations held, and the posts tweeted that we would honor and uphold Your Word. As we hear it preached this morning, Father, may we listen well, allowing it to convict our hearts, change our minds, and mold our lives for our good and for Your glory.

In the precious name of Jesus we pray, and all God’s people said, Amen.