Psalm 32

John Chamberlain   -  

October 30, 2022

Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

We praise you today for making a way to cover our sins when we disobey you.  We are thankful that Jesus came to sacrifice himself on the cross to take away our sin.  In doing so, we can experience a great relationship with you by accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior of our lives.

It is true there are many things that can pull us out of relationship with you. When we neglect you or take you for granted, we can easily find ourselves getting tripped up by satan’s schemes. At the times when we are feeling weighted down, show us by the Holy Spirit the areas of our lives that we need confess our sin. In doing so, you forgive us and lift that burden of guilt from our lives.  Thank you for the encouraging promise that when we put you as the top priority in our lives, you will protect us from trouble and deliver us from actions that would be harmful to us.  The psalmist reminds us to rejoice in the Lord and be glad. What a great reminder for us to be thankful for all of the meaning we can have as your children. May we be people that will be quick to count all of the ways you have blessed us.

Father, we are thankful we live in a country where we have the freedom to vote for people who will be responsible to lead us.  With the election just over a week away, I ask that you would help us to carve out time to research the candidates who will be running for school boards, city, county, state, and federal offices.  Help us to discern which candidates will make decisions that will align with the teaching in your word.

Finally we lift up D and K, our Global Partners in, Spain.  We pray that you would bless the time of renewal and counseling they were able to have while at a retreat center this past month in Michigan. In addition, we ask that you would bring clarity to the family plan they were working on at their headquarters in Kansas City.  For K, we pray that you would bring healing to her body as she struggles with rheumatoid arthritis.  Please help her inflammation and pain to be reduced so she can move around easier.  We also ask you would help D and E to adjust well to the changes in their normal routines.

For it’s in the name of the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we pray these things.

And all God’s people said………Amen.