Psalm 99

Greg Kvamme   -  

February 27, 2022

Lord, you are king. You are the all-powerful and perfect king. We praise you and tremble at this fearsome truth. You love justice. This is good news because we know you bring justice to the oppressed, in your perfect sovereignty over this world. Let the oppressor tremble.

Lord we see wars on every continent some over land, some over religion, some over policy, all vying for power over another, all failing to see you as the all-powerful king over everything. We in America are relatively insulated from the pain and suffering that many are suffering throughout the world. Move our hearts to prayer for these people. Give us softened hearts, instead of hearts of stone. Help us to lay our stubborn, unforgiving heart at the foot of your throne.

Lord forgive our pride and self-sufficiency. Despite the huge volume of knowledge accessible to us on the internet, it is less than a drop of water in the ocean of your wisdom and knowledge. Lord, we delight in the wisdom given to us in the Bible. It is a fountain of life. We are blessed and you are glorified as we understand the truth from you.

Thank you for the community we share here at Centennial, where we can pray and care for one another, and encourage one another, and spur one another along. Thank you for Pastor Dan and Beth caring and loving us, and we pray that you would be preparing us and for the next pastor that you bring to Centennial. Thank you that you hear our broken and imperfect prayers. Lord give us clean hands and a pure heart so that we can worship you and delight in your reign over everything.